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Friday, January 4, 2008
:D School has started :{...
I got the same FORM teacher (FORM ar..mind you)
for THREE years!! Yes...Mr Foo! >:(
I was hoping (and hoping and hoping...) for ANOTHER form teacher..
He be subject teacher still okay bahhs..
but FORM teacher..-.-
Then...............OH NO...! I sit in FRONT OF THE TEACHERS DESK!! >:{
Am i really that short..?:{...
But thats okay :DD
Short people can grow tall
But tall people cannot grow short xD
I forgot who told me that xDD
Then my parents so happy -.-
They say so the teacher can "monitor me"
Please luhh..Is coz of height then the seat is liddat one..
not coz of you good in work or not-.-
logical mahhs...
Got 1 new student
So if he dunch know how well her studies
Then he can chuck her in the corner isit?
No right?
I dunch know why my parents so WEIRD -.-
Okay i better stop posting..
I go read Keichi's bloqq just now
He darn..OUTDATED??
Okay no offence to you ar (to:keichi) that is IF you are readinqq xDD


wished apon a star @ 1:47 AM

The Little StarsY

Our names are Shermaine and Ivy
We are 12 this year (:
Shermaine's day is on the 27 of febuary
Ivy's day is on the 11 of june
We are best friends forever [well , we DO quarrell]
Don't break us up , or SCRAM!
Ultra hyperness is our thing (:
underline strong italic bold strike

Our CravingsY

Be best friends FOREVER!!
New Phones
Go to same sec. school
Never be seperated
Live near each other
Swimming/neoprint together


Sweet EscapesY

Ivy Esther meimei p6 girls of bc


December 2007
January 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
March 2009
October 2009


Music code here.

Many ThanksY

Layout :
Image: Sanrio
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