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Tuesday, March 10, 2009
sigh! 2dae got math test. n there was already lyk 2 of
them juz recently... anyway, 2dae's one was the worst. i almost cannot finish it
lor. mayb 2moro the results will b out. n there's still the science test last
wk. my fren said that a teacher say da whole sec 1 level didi veri badly 4 da
test. yeah, that make me real worried cuz my science not really good n i scared
i fail. nvr mind if not counted in CA1 but, IT IS! its counted in da exam. sum
teacher's say that if not counted then we will not try our best or sumting lyk
that. erm... mayb its a little true, bt @ least dun count this test n i'll b
grateful. anyway 2day, form teacher absent so my geog teacher relief us. n she
use da period 4 geog. so there was geog hw 2day. i really dun understand maps. i
cant remember all the different definations of the different maps. btw, im bad
at geog, science n chinese.

yeah! nex term no
common test! that's a big relief, though im pretty sure da teachers would
torture us wib summore tests. the common test period is replaced with one
reading programme thingy. hope its not bout those boring non-fiction books. i
can nvr understand them. k, gotta go, i noe this post is quite short, bt i dun
noe wat more to write type ...

wished apon a star @ 3:07 AM

The Little StarsY

Our names are Shermaine and Ivy
We are 12 this year (:
Shermaine's day is on the 27 of febuary
Ivy's day is on the 11 of june
We are best friends forever [well , we DO quarrell]
Don't break us up , or SCRAM!
Ultra hyperness is our thing (:
underline strong italic bold strike

Our CravingsY

Be best friends FOREVER!!
New Phones
Go to same sec. school
Never be seperated
Live near each other
Swimming/neoprint together


Sweet EscapesY

Ivy Esther meimei p6 girls of bc


December 2007
January 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
March 2009
October 2009


Music code here.

Many ThanksY

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