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Sunday, October 25, 2009
haha havnt post lyk 4 ages... so now im posting...yay!
im so looking forward 2 da hols and i dunno wad 2 post now.
shld i post a picture? da blog looks so--'pictureless' ( wads da rite word?)
cept for da picture of da little twin stars right at da top
which i think is cute:)
anyway im so glad that da blog's not so dead aft this post cuz
i didnt really post on this bloggie.
btw, da links are updated too!da old ones go to nowhere.
ok, i think its da end of da post cuz i dunno wad to type anymore...


wished apon a star @ 9:31 PM

The Little StarsY

Our names are Shermaine and Ivy
We are 12 this year (:
Shermaine's day is on the 27 of febuary
Ivy's day is on the 11 of june
We are best friends forever [well , we DO quarrell]
Don't break us up , or SCRAM!
Ultra hyperness is our thing (:
underline strong italic bold strike

Our CravingsY

Be best friends FOREVER!!
New Phones
Go to same sec. school
Never be seperated
Live near each other
Swimming/neoprint together


Sweet EscapesY

Ivy Esther meimei p6 girls of bc


December 2007
January 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009
March 2009
October 2009


Music code here.

Many ThanksY

Layout :
Image: Sanrio
Others: click here and click here